● By Michael Fabiano

Accuracy: 21.88%208th Place
The moment we've all been waiting for is almost upon us: The 2021 NFL Draft is nearly here! For NFL fans and fantasy managers, it's the last part of the 'offseason' for teams to put the final touches on their rosters. It also means we'll have a really good idea about potential depth-chart battles and player values for next season. While I am a fantasy analyst and have done my own “fantasy-style” mock of the first round, I’m a fan too. And with all the mock drafts going on around the world wide web, I figured, why not throw my own “real football” mock draft into the ring? There will be a fantasy twist with some selections, but this is my best guess on who will go where based on what I’ve researched and the folks I’ve talked to in the know.

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.