Steelers Now

● By Alan Saunders

Accuracy: 12.50%995th Place
The 2024 NFL Draft is just two days away, and it’s time for our annual Steelers Now mock NFL Draft. Last year, I predicted six picks in the first round completely correctly, two players at the right slot to the wrong team and another three to the correct team at the wrong slot. That was good enough to be the fifth-best mock draft recorded by NFL Mock Draft Database last season. We’ll see if I can do better than that this year, but I’m not holding my breath. There will be a couple trades involved in this mock 2024 NFL Draft, but probably not as many as real life. Love it? Hate it? Did I totally screw up your team’s needs? Let me know in the comments.

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.