Post Route

● By Sarah Hardy

Accuracy: 19.47%527th Place
In my last newsletter, I singled out one offensive position each team should target in the upcoming draft. If you read the intro rather than just skimmed it — I’m not judging! — you might recall that I promised to follow up soon with the defensive version of that same idea. That will have to wait until later this week, though. First, I wanted to stay in offense mode and create a mock draft that completely excluded defensive players. That’s right: an offense-only mock draft. There are two reasons I decided to put this together. We could see a record number of offensive players drafted in the first round this year, and I think it’s fun to do one non-traditional mock draft each April.

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.