● By Adam Rank

Accuracy: 22.60%308th Place
I know, I know ... They'll let anyone do a mock draft these days. In truth, though, when it comes to this particular exercise, this isn't my first rodeo. If you're new here, first, let me say, 'Welcome!' More importantly, THIS ISN'T A PREDICTIVE MOCK. I don't play that unwinnable game. No disrespect to DJ, Bucky, Chad or any of my other esteemed colleagues -- it's just not my bag. Instead, what I do, as a resident know-it-all, is offer recommendations to organizations. Similar to those consultants in Office Space. Like back in April of 2022, when I told Jacksonville to take Aidan Hutchinson with the first overall pick. The Jaguars should've listened. Then again, in that same file, I advised spending the sixth overall pick on Malik Willis. So it's not like I'm batting 1.000. And it's not like you're even still reading this intro; instead, you're already roasting me for the suggested picks below. So, let's just get started.

Top Players Not Included

These players appear in the top 32 of our

Consensus Big Board

, but do not show up in this mock.